The low down

I live in the UK in Essex and am a 34 year old single parent to a beautiful little girl.   My life involves balancing the demands of work with motherhood. 

I used to blog about knowledge management regularly and have worked in the field for over 10 years but marriage, pregnancy and then a divorce took over.  Frankly I’ve just been too tired to focus on anything other than coping.  Life is now moving on though and I’m getting used to juggling all of the balls so I’ve re-entered the blogging world.  Splosh! (That’s me sticking a toe back in the water).

All content on this blog represents my own views and not those of my employer.  That’s very important!  See my disclaimer for more on that.  I’ve chosen to blog anonymously because it gives me a degree of freedom in expressing myself that, given my employer, my ex husband and my protectiveness towards my daughter, I wouldn’t otherwise possibly have. 

What you’ll find on my blog

I write about what I’ve learnt and continue to learn about KM as well as the daily trials and tribulations of single motherhood, relationships (what is life if it’s not the people we are surrounded by) and whatever else has struck as weird, wonderful, interesting, exciting or bizarre. 

There’s also random posts relating to my quest to achieve a daily state of mindfulness, I’m planning to try and be more self sufficient this year too and embarking on a vegetable growing crusade and I’ve also somewhat masochistically assigned myself 101 things to do in 1001 days as part of the seemingly pointless Day Zero Project.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it. 

Professional interests

My KM interests range from personal KM to implementing KM solutions in a corporate environment and everything inbetween.  I’m fascinated by and regularly work on projects involving establishing and hosting communities of practice, helping departments to improve their business processes by introducing best practice KM, supporting teams with knowledge capture and sharing techniques as well as advising on corporate blogging and helping individuals to analyse and improve their personal networks. 

I’ve written and published various journal articles and case studies for text books on KM which sadly I can’t share here as I’m blogging anonymously but if you’re interested to know more, drop me a comment on a post with your email address and I’ll be in touch.

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